

Canopy IIIF leans on a combination of Radix UI Themes (opens in a new tab) and MDX (Markdown) to provide a flexible design system. All Markdown files with .mdx extensions in the content directory have access to Radix UI Themes components.

Radix UI Themes

In addition to Radix UI Themes granting access to customizable Colors, Scaling, and Radius styling, implementers have access to an accessible component library (opens in a new tab) for building custom layouts.

title: Francis Danby
description: About the artist Francis Danby.
navigation: "about"
# Francis Danby
<Section size="2">
  <Flex justify="between">
    <Text size="4" weight="light">
      Born in 1793 near Killinick, Ireland, Francis Danby initially gained recognition for his romantic landscapes and atmospheric scenes that captivated the Victorian public. After moving to Bristol, England, he became a key figure in the Bristol School of artists, where he further developed his unique style of using dramatic contrasts and rich, moody colors to evoke powerful emotions. His work, often imbued with themes of the sublime and picturesque, made significant contributions to the British Romantic movement in art.
      <Image src="" />

Work Layout

Canopy IIIF also provides a set of custom components for use in MDX content on specified routes. A special layout file is defined for Manifest page layouts at content/works/_layout.mdx with the Work componentsto display Manifest metadata, a IIIF Viewer, and related content.

Work Components

Work.ViewerIIIF Viewer component for displaying Manifest canvas resources.
Work.TitleManifest title component (renders Manifest label)
Work.SummaryManifest summary component.
Work.MetadataManifest metadata component.
Work.RequiredStatementManifest requiredStatement component for attribution.
Work.ManifestIdManifest id component.
Work.ReferencingContentLists Markdown content referencing this Manifest.
Work.RelatedRelated Manifests component rendering a set of Sliders.

Example Layout

This example layout file uses the Work components to display Manifest metadata, a IIIF Viewer, and related content with Container, Section, Tabs, and Box, components.

<Work.Viewer />
  <Section pb="4">
    <Work.Title size="9" mb="5" />
    <Work.Summary size="4" />
  <Section size="1">
    <Tabs.Root defaultValue="details">
        <Tabs.Trigger value="details">Details</Tabs.Trigger>
        <Tabs.Trigger value="essays">Essays</Tabs.Trigger>
      <Box pt="3">
        <Tabs.Content value="details">
          <Work.Metadata />
          <Work.RequiredStatement />
          <Work.ManifestId />
        <Tabs.Content value="essays">
          <Work.ReferencingContent />
  <Section size="1">
    ## Related Works
    <Work.Related />