
A map route can be enabled to provide geographic discovery of works. This feature builds markers from geographic point features found in navPlace (opens in a new tab) properties at the Manifest level. For implementation, Canopy IIIF uses Leaflet (opens in a new tab) to render the map.

Note: Currently, only navPlace properties found at the Manifest level are displayed. Also, only Features of type Point are displayed.

See the Enable a Map with navPlace for a step-by-step guide.


The map property is an object that contains the configuration for the /map route and its components.

enabledbooleanBoolean value to enable or disable the /map route. The default value is false.
defaultBoundsArrayThe defaultBounds property defines the coordinates of the initial view of the map.
iconObjectThe icon property defines the icon used to represent each marker on the map.
tileLayersArrayThe map's tile layers are also configured here, giving users the ability to choose and customize layers for their project.


Boolean value to enable or disable the /map route. The default value is false. To enable this option, set the option to true.

"enabled": true


The defaultBounds property defines the coordinates of the initial view of the map. This property is an array of arrays of longitude and latitude coordinates. Unless there are no markers found within the manifests of the overarching collection, this property will be ignored.

"defaultBounds": [[51.505, -0.09]]


The icon property defines the icon used to represent each marker on the map. The iconUrl property is the path to the image file used as the icon. The iconSize property is an array of the width and height of the icon in pixels. The iconAnchor property is an array of the x and y coordinates of the icon's anchor point in pixels. These values are used to position the icon relative to its marker's coordinates.

"icon": {
  "iconUrl": "images/marker-icon.png",
  "iconSize": [24, 36],
  "iconAnchor": [12, 36]


The map's tile layers are also configured here, giving users the ability to choose and customize layers for their project. Additional services, such as MapBox, can be easily integrated following this pattern. Each tile layer defined here will appear as an option in the layer control of the map. The name property defines the text next to the radio button. The url property is the link to the tile layer. Finally, the attribution property defines the text that appears at the bottom of the map in case the tile layer requires any specific attribution on use. The first tile layer in the array will be used as the default map.

"tileLayers": [
    "name": "OpenStreetMap",
    "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    "attribution": "© OpenStreetMap contributors"
    "name": "OpenTopoMap",
    "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    "attribution": "© OpenStreetMap contributors"

Example Map Configuration

In this example, we have a IIIF Collection with Manifests having navPlace properties. The configuration enables the /map route and uses an Open Street Map tile layer.

  "collection": "",
  "featured": [""],
  "metadata": ["Place", "Date", "Subject"],
  "map": {
    "enabled": true,
    "defaultBounds": [[51.505, -0.09]],
    "icon": {
      "iconUrl": "images/marker-icon.png",
      "iconSize": [24, 36],
      "iconAnchor": [12, 36]
    "tileLayers": [
        "name": "OpenStreetMap",
        "url": "https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
        "attribution": "&copy; <a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"