
Search and Work Results

Canopy IIIF automatically provides a route to all works in a collection at /works. Each Manifest in the IIIF Collection is represented on this page. This same template is displayed when a user searches for a term in the search bar at the top of the screen. This page displays labels and thumbnails for all works in the collection and are lazily loaded as the user scrolls down the page.


The search and work results page is composed of several features that are available automatically:

  • Results List
  • Filter

canopy work results

Results List

The results list is a masonry layout of all works in the collection or the corresponding search results when loaded as search results or limited via the Filter. Each work is represented by a figure element that is made up of a representative thumbnail and the Manifest label. The figures are hyper linked to the corresponding work page. The list is lazily loaded as the user scrolls down the page.


The Filter element allows a user to limit the results list to a specific set of works. The filter options are determined by the values of the metadata property in the config/canopy.json file. From the filter, a user can limit the results by one value from each metadata field. Once the user clicks View Results, the results list will be limited to only the works that match the selected filter options.